5 Ways To Feel Settled In A New Home

Have you recently moved and feel overwhelmed with all the work that needs to be done? Take a deep breath, and know it will take some time before you feel completely settled. However, there are a few things you can do to help you adjust to your new surroundings.

1. Paint the Interior Walls: If you are buying a new home from another family, chances are you will have to repaint due to wear and tear or differing tastes. Pick 2-3 neutral colors that you can use throughout the house. Repainting all the walls will give you a fresh palette to work with when it comes to interior decor.
Select Neutral Wall Colors
2. Replace the Carpet: Installing new carpet in your home is a quick and affordable way to make your home feel clean and fresh.

3. Add Custom Window Treatments: The windows in a home are usually the last thing people think about when decorating a room. Window treatments can tie a room together and create a cozy setting. It can allow a home owner to add a pop of color to a room without committing to it on the walls.
Window Treatments Add Warmth
4. Hang Picture Frames on the Walls: Pictures allow you to tell a story of your life. This is an important detail when moving into a new home. It can provide a sense of comfort of who you are as a person or family, what you love to do, and provide fond memories of the past.

5. Add Fresh Flowers to a Room: There will be a lot of packing and unpacking when you move into a new home. You may get bogged down by the endless about of work that needs to be done. Adding flowers to a room will encourage you to sit back and enjoy the little things, while adding natural beauty to your decor.

Above all else, enjoy the journey! Moving should be an exciting new adventure - so have fun in your new home.

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